Born in Milan in 1972, Michele obtained a bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences from Università Cattolica di Milano in 1999, specializing as an Expert in Educational Processes.
In 2003, upon completion of a two-year course of study, he received a Master’s in social work from Boston University (MA).
He has worked for Italian and international companies as a coach and consultant, especially in the field of management science. He is also active in the non-profit sector, in particular as a coordinator of projects for social cohesion, and is a director of a foundation that brings together six family counselling centres in Milan. He is a qualified Intercultural Awareness Profiler (IAP) accredited by Trompenaars Hampden – Turner (THT), and works as the Italian Country Specialist for Aperian Global, a US company providing cultural training for managers posted abroad.
He has contributed to Wise Growth’s research work on generational coexistence in companies (with M.C. Bombelli) to produce Generazioni in azienda. Se gioventù sapesse, se vecchiaia potesse (‘Generations in the company. If youth only knew; if age only could’) Guerini and Associates, 2013)