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  • Organisational and HR advisory

    We can help you to…

    …translate the principles of inclusion into business processes

    Training and raising awareness on the topics of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) is the starting point towards the development of a culture of respect. However, it is necessary to combine these actions with new methods and new approaches in HR processes, to generate structural change and act on remedying the organisational dynamics of “exclusion”.

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    Through continuous training, and an international outlook, we are able to offer organisational and strategic consulting services aimed at:

    • ensuring the full potential of people and organisations, through the development of coherent growth opportunities, overcoming stereotypes and unconscious bias
    • improving the management ability to evaluate and promote the growth of people from an inclusive and human sustainability perspective
    • supporting the HR function in all phases of organisational processes: from recruitment and selection, talent assessment and development, to performance evaluation and reward systems
    • redefining HR processes in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 agenda
    — FOCUS

    Case study

    Actions on people management operating systems

    The HR group of a company, with a significant low representation of women and a high gender pay gap, undertook a programme to update their performance evaluation system. The intervention included bias training for assessors and an analysis of different organisational subsystems.

    With a systematic approach, both the gaps in the presence of women in top roles and the pay gaps between women and men have reduced over time.