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  • Gender

    We can help you to…

    …develop gender synergy and reduce gaps to maximise the value and talent of all people

    The presence of women at work and in the career ladder has increased, but there are still important gaps on which it is still necessary to intervene and promote inclusion. At the same time, young men struggle to confront and integrate with a typical leadership model of previous generations.

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    Although the issue of reduced female representation in places of power is substantially shared by many companies, there are few strategies that have proved to be effective in effectively improving gender balance and breaking the “glass ceiling”.

    To promote effective and lasting change, it is necessary to develop programmes and initiatives that address the issue of women inclusion by also actively involving men.


    • Analysis of corporate culture and the characteristics attributed to male and female professional identities
    • Gender dialogue programmes to promote opportunities for open communication between men and women in the organisation
    • Initiatives aimed at working on gender stereotypes and on the exclusion dynamics playing at an organisational and individual level, in addition to women self-exclusion ones
    • Journeys of empowerment, career support and leadership for women
    — FOCUS

    Case study

    Focus Groups conducted through digital tools

    In a global leading FMCG company, after carrying out an engagement call, WhatsApp groups were created and organised by characteristics – age, organisational position, etc.

    The result was extraordinary for the flexibility built within the medium and people’s familiarity with using it. Also the participants’ interest in the use of an original, and simple, research method and for the quality of the ideas collected proved a success of the programme.